Monday, December 2, 2013

Celebrate #GivingTuesday |

After the insanity of Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the upcoming Broke Wednesday--we need a break. The United Nations foundation started a great counter to this--called Giving Tuesday.

Although those in recovery are already known for being particularly giving, its nice to see a day set aside for this amid the holiday commercialism. Take a minute to read this and ask yourself what your "community giving" is this season. If you don't have money, then think about volunteering your time. Many kitchens for the less fortunate may need your help. Or become the bell ringer in front of the Big Box stores. Don't let this season go by without giving back to your community--

In fact, as your dreams to guide you in how to give back to your community--do it Tuesday and when others are thinking about it--it will strengthen your request.

Serving others will always bring good back to you. Read about Giving Tuesday" here.
Celebrate #GivingTuesday | The White House: " #GivingTuesday builds on the American tradition of giving back but uses technology to give this greater impact. This commemoration does not seek to coordinate funds toward any particular nonprofit or to direct volunteers to support a specific cause. Instead, #GivingTuesday is intended to encourage Americans to reflect and give back. It’s a collective moment for individual and community action."

'via Blog this'


  1. Hi Shelly, I am a dreamworker who is also in recovery and just started blogging a new series about Archetypal Dreamwork and the 12 dreams can support recovery work. I am happy to have you re-blog. You can see the first two postings on my blog here:

  2. I have been neglectiful of this blog--you just may rejuvinate me--


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