Monday, December 24, 2012

Last minute recovery gift

Last minute gift for your sponsor or sponsee? Or for you son or daughter in recovery?  Here are two suggestions, one that cost a few bucks and the other for free--you can email either gift or both.

1. FREE. Vision recovery meditations: (a Hopi tradition) Go here, pick the format you want, type in the code "Sobriety"  (capital S, no quotes) and a box will open for your name and email. Then it will take you to the free download page.

 2. $4.99 A digital copy of the Pocket Sponsor. Unfortunately it is only on the Kindle format, but the kindle reader for your computer is free.

Merry Christmas everyone, am thinking of all my friends this Christmas Eve.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Gift for you from Day By Day!

For one week only, we are giving away the digital format of our newest book, "Sitting in Pictures, Vision Meditations for Addiction Recovery". Read about it below--. With over 280 illustrations, it is a great way to begin the holidays.

Delivery Format:in PDF, epub for Nook, iPad, and most ereaders and also Kindle format. Go to the following link and use the coe "sobriety" and download for FREE--DOWNLOAD NOW. Offer expires December 4.     and visit us at

Sitting in Pictures, Vision Meditations for Addiction Recovery

Sitting in Pictures, Vision Meditations for Addiction Recovery: "Sitting in Pictures, Vision Meditations for Addiction Recovery

by Peoples of the Earth Peoples of the Earth Peoples of the Earth
Illustrated by Christine Sundly

Description: This is a a deeply spiritual addiction recovery meditation book based on the Hopi tradition of 'sitting in pictures.' It contains 280 visual mediations as well as a 12 Step Principle and the wisdom of an Elder or tribal adage from people's around the world. Based on the Maya Tzolkin spiritual round, the days do not reflect the western Gregorian calendar. Instead the season are used for reference: Summer Solstice, Harvest Time, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox. Letting the Spirit guide them, readers may use the meditations randomly or begin at the first mediation and go 280 days, then begin again. We trust that every reader will bring their own guidance when creating the healing visualization in each page of days. This meditation book is illustrated by Christine Sundly of the Menominee Nation (Menominee means 'wild rice' in Chippawa). For more information please go to the website

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dreams and Recovery from Addiction |

From Psychology Today comes some pretty good info an us dreaming and using the dreams to help us recover. It's always nice to get validation from studies and other professionals--but dream interpreters knew it all along! Jermey Taylor writes a really good piece here!

Dreams and Recovery from Addiction | Psychology Today: "After more than thirty—five years of working with my own and other people’s dreams I am convinced that all dreams come in the service of health and wholeness. Even the worst recurring nightmares come to help the dreamer move forward more consciously in the direction of his/her health and wholeness. If a dream is remembered at all, it is a very reliable indication that there is a crucially important role for the dreamer's waking mind to play in the unfolding of all the issues and possibilities the dream presents, whether or not these multiple layers of meaning and implication are clear to the dreamer upon awakening. Dreams are like breathing, or the heart beating — no matter what problems there be with these autonomic respiratory and pulmonary systems, they are the basic supports of my life."

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dreams of Alcoholic Men in Sobriety

Dreams of Alcoholic Men in Sobriety

Karen A. Peters, Ph.D.

"The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hours. Sobriety diminishes, discriminates, and says no; drunkenness expands, unites, and says yes" (James,1901, p. 387).

A controlled study utilizing manifest dream content analysis to explore the intrapsychic dynamics of alcoholic men with 3 to 9 months of total abstinence revealed significant dream content differences. Two-week dream journals were collected from 14 men in early recovery from alcoholism and a matched control group. Statistically significant content differences included the incorporation of alcohol and drugs, sobriety, institutions, and help- seeking interactions. A qualitative analysis of statistically significant themes revealed the progressive nature of addiction and the developmental stages of sobriety.

Despite its adverse consequences, drinking alcohol is perceived as an option in the dreams of the recovering men in this study. Initially, alcohol is a soothing substance that transforms emotions and stimulates feelings of wholeness, but its extended use ultimately destroys all sense of belonging and leaves the alcoholic alienated and psychically fragmented. This paradoxical quality of alcohol was poignantly illustrated in dreams that featured drinking and using drugs.

Despite its occurrence after 9 months of abstinence, the following dream, from a married, 40 year-old alcoholic with a history of relapse and participation in Alcoholics Anonymous, depicts symptoms of late-stage alcoholism.

to read more of this study, click the link above.

Friday, March 23, 2012

12 Steps to Unleashing the Power of your Dreams into Your Waking Life | PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement

Wow, you  have got to see this web site--the power of your dreams in your waking life==that's what I've been saying!

12 Steps to Unleashing the Power of your Dreams into Your Waking Life | PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement: "Everyone dreams. Even you. You may not remember your dreams or pay them much attention but they come to you with love, bringing deep messages about yourself that only you can know.
Dreams are a rich source of communication from your unconscious. They are escalators from the basement of your soul to the upper levels of your conscious mind. Freud referred to dreams as a “ royal road to the unconscious.”
Dreams contain many significant events and important people in your life. Dreams contain all your stresses, worries and desires which float around in your unconscious. Dreams show you all your important ideas and feelings without being censor by your rational mind."

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Creating dreams with mirrors

Here's an interesting guy, Dave Harm, who is sharing his recovery with others in some very symbolic ways. In this section of his web site, he talks about mirrors and the laws of mirrors. when you look at a mirror in your dreams, it is an instruction to look at yourself. This is the same for taking a picture of yourself and watching TV.

Go take a look at Dave's laws and see how his insights might help in your dreams.

Creating dreams with mirrors: "By far my favorite Law. Why? It was the first Law that I understood and it was the first Law I began to practice when I quit
drinking. I wanted to know why I hate such a strong hatred for some people. Hatred might seem like a strong word, yet at that
time, just starting my recovery journey everything had me on edge.

I not only wanted to know why I felt the way I did with others. I needed to know. Not only to build better relationships but also
to understand myself better. If I disliked someone I needed to really look closely at that relationship because by doing so I
was also digging deep inside my soul.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Drinking in My Dreams | the 12 Step Buddhist

Look what I found on the Internet--a guy who talks about a using dream and what it means to him. In his blog, he says that using dreams a quite common for people in recovery. this is definitely true. But what does it mean? Read his dream first and then I 'll give you a clue.
Drinking in My Dreams | the 12 Step Buddhist: "I’m clean and sober for more than 12 years. But I still have what we call “drunk dreams.” Here’s a recent one. Although I’m not a follower of hip hop, I dreamed that I was hanging out with the famous rapper Snoop Dogg. I waited all day for him to pull out his stash of drugs. At the end of the day he put out some big fat lines of cocaine and offered me one. I took it in like a like a dirt dog lapping up a few licks of morning dew off the desert floor. The smell was so fresh and it made me feel more alive than I’d felt in years. My heart opened. I loved my life and everyone in it at that moment. In my mind I remembered that I was an addict in recovery. But I couldn’t reconcile the question that arose in my dreaming mind, “How could something that feels this good cause suffering?”"
A few years back, some research was done in England. They wanted to know how smoking dreams related to people who tried to quit smoking. turns out that those who had dreams of smoking (a slip) while quitting were more likely to stay quit! So using dreams can be an indication that you just might stay clean and sober!
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The 12 Steps According to Dream Theater

The 12 Steps According to Dream Theater:

What a great way to begin this blog on 12 Step Work and Dreams! Here is an article that " features the fifth and final installment of a series of songs that chronicle a personal recovery experience through working the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous."
Using song to help share the benefits of working a 12 step program is a great way to reach people who might otherwise not get it. I love this! In addition, the songs are rich with symbols that would also apply to your dreams.
Each step represented in the five song titles carries the “Re” theme from Recovery throughout. They are 1) The Glass Prison: I. Reflection / II. Restoration / III. Revelation, (from Six Degrees…), 2) This Dying Soul: IV. Reflections of Reality (Revisited) / V. Release, (from Train of Thought), 3) The Root of All Evil: VI. Ready / VII. Remove, (from Octavarium), 4) Repentance: VIII. Regret / IX. Restitution, (from Systematic Chaos), 5) The Shattered Fortress: X. Restraint / XI. Receive / XII. Responsible (from Black Clouds…).
This is a band worth hearing and comparing to the work you do in dreams.

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